Tuesday, July 31, 2007

How how how?

How? Nothing wacky or funny to post here.... =/
Any suggestions?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

We can't run from CONSEQUENCES

We are constantly under the influences of the World, the Flesh, and the Devil...
The temptation to sin and to indulge in the desires of the world is very strong, and even stronger when we lack discernment.

Even though God is merciful and gracious to us, and will forgive us of our sins when we confess them to Him, we must remember that sin gives birth to consequences. We will have to face consequences when we fail to uphold our control over ourselves.

Therefore, always keep a conscience mind and be clear of places where you know that you'll be tempted.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Hehe ~

I was wondering what to post recently, cos i didn't want to post ordinary things in here and bore both me and you... so when i was looking through the photos taken from my camera phone, i found..........................this. =)

Bryan got tagged! All the way from The Cathay until MacDonald House, till a guy told him that he was tagged when we were eating in Long John Silvers. =)

**My hand on the right
**Dorothy took the photo

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Humility in Life

Something i learnt from my teaching leader in BSF last night...

In order to have JOY in your life, you must put:

Jesus -first-
Others -second- , and
Yourself -last-

Friday, July 6, 2007

Maddie Jackies ~!

We have always been thinking of how the food at this restaurant/food outlet tastes like..
It's called Mad Jack's Cafe, and is situated beside Crown Centre in Bt timah road (ultra visible from the bus stop outside)

It was quite late, so there wasn't the usual crowd. So we just took a seat somewhere near the counter and took a look at the menu. I must say that the menu design was quite nice wor =) Colourful and lots of pictures to look at =)

I ended up ordering grilled fish in honey sauce (cos my inital choice of the cheesy baked rice with fish wasn't available), and Dorothy ordered her ordinary looking beef burger (some small print on the menu which didn't seem attractive at all, whereas mine was on the main page with a dedicated picture attached =P)

Never judge food by its menu pictures.

Her beef burger ended up tasting real good, unlike mine. The beef was hot and tender, and the sauce/juice perked the taste too.. =) My fish was like... ugh. The honey sauce didn't match the taste of the fish, the fish tasted ok only, and the mushroom rice that came along with it was bland, ugh.

But the time spent was worth it. =)

Monday, July 2, 2007

On the Brink

Copyright: Dorothy Tan
(Picture shows how the world is trying to grasp onto Christians, bringing them away from God.)

Are you living on the brink? On the brink of choosing either the world or God. That's what's facing us now.

For whatever choice we choose is up to us. No one can force us to make a decision. But do remember, that whichever path we choose, there will be different outcomes and consequences.

Would you rather suffer for Christ in this limited time that we have on earth, and gain an eternal salvation in Him, or would you rather enjoy the pleasures of this planet, but to spend an eternity in the burning pits of hell?

The choice is yours.